Wednesday 25 November 2015

Dad Bod

I'm sure all of you have heard about Dad Bod.

But somebody forgot to tell Missus and Beckett about it though. Ever since I went on my latest 30 day 'No Sugar' challenge, I've lost more than 3 kg. And a lot of it has been thanks to Missus and Beckett being back home.

My daily regimen has now drastically been altered to include at least 2 daily 15 minute walks with the currently 6 kg and fast growing Beckett held in my arms. It also includes at least one sleeping ritual which I hope you are well versed with by now, and at least 2 playing sessions with her.

With Missus back, I don't order food from restaurants anymore (No, I  don't expect her to cook for me. It is just that she needs certain type of food, which is really good for my body).

So Pappa is turning into an Anti Dad Bod.

However, I'm currently out on a 6 day training program, terribly missing Beckett and her mother, and exposed to 3 all you can eat buffets on a daily basis. This is a great test of my will power when it comes to the desserts and so far I've fought temptation successfully. But I'm sure I've undone all the good work of the past 4 weeks and will have to start from ground zero come Sunday morning.

Well, this doesn't Bod well for Dad !

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