Tuesday 12 April 2016

Beckett learns Newton's Third Law of Motion

I'm sure everyone knows Newton's third law of motion. 

'To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction'

What I am sure most of you don't know is the third law that I learnt from my friends at school. For a set of really dirty minds who had just discovered puberty and the wonderful joys it brings, the version went something like this 

'Forward and Backward motion causes a white lotion.' 

(I can't believe I wrote this on a public blog). 

This post however is about the former, and not the latter law. The latter is how Beckett came to be. The former is how the world moves.

Beckett has recently discovered that if she pushes against any surface, vertical or horizontal, it pushes her back, and in the process, helps her to change her position, alter her x-y co-ordinates, and get the feeling of gliding, or flying, or moon walking through her idyllic existence. So everything in the house (including my tummy and face) gets kicked whenever Beckett decides that she has spent enough time at one particular location. 

Crawling is so passe, so yesterday. Pushing your way around is the new in thing. 

Another new pastime she has discovered is finding difficult to get into places - nooks, corners, underside of tables and beds and chairs, - and then finding ways to fit into those spaces. This is a very feline trait and Pappa couldn't be more amused. 

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