Tuesday 1 March 2016

Big Weekend

So Beckett had a big weekend. She did / learned the following things:

1. Getting inside a swimming pool: The water was a bit cold and the pool was more than twice as deep as she was tall. But contrary to what we thought, she took to the water like, what else, a guppy and enjoyed a brief, but fun little swim with Pappa. No crying, no panic. Lot of wonder and amazement followed by 'This is great. Let's do this one more time.'

2. Crawling: The search of the ever illusive shiny cell phone took her from one end of the bed to the other and after valiantly battling insurmountable pillows and dangerously strewn bed sheets and treacherously soft mattresses, she did manage to culminate her epic quest finally in possession of her precious quarry. The video of her effort is just amazing to watch.

3. Eating outside food and drinking non boiled water: Pappa goofed up and forgot her bag and as a result she had to eat Hotel food and drink bottled water. But she managed both the things effortlessly.

4. Pappa in Sun Glasses: This was the first time she saw me in sun glasses and got thoroughly scared and confused. Refused to come to me for a good 5 minutes before she realized that the man behind the glasses was still Dad and not a menacing mafioso.

She was also overwhelmed to see so many people wanting to play with her (very much like The Lady in Red), and very sportingly acknowledged everyone who greeted her with a smile or if she was really happy to meet someone gave out an excited little shriek (Mogambo Khush Hua type).

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