Wednesday 23 December 2015

Thank You

Every morning, somewhere between 7 and 8, Beckett wakes up. She wears the most beatific smile on her face and some days I'm fortunate to be able to witness it. Yesterday was one such day.

She opens her eyes, sees my face, and without any second thoughts flashes that smile. It is as if she is telling me Thank You!

Thank you for being here, for taking care of me, for keeping me safe and comfortable, for feeding me, for cleaning me, for taking me out for our walks, for singing to me, for enduring all my antics and acrobatics, for being there when I fall asleep, for everything that you and mummy and everyone else do to keep me happy.

In response, I say a little Thank You back to Beckett.

Thank you for choosing to come into this world through me, for the indescribable joy you bring to me, for teaching me everyday the amazing, invaluable, and simple little lessons that you do, for finding happiness in the smallest and goofiest of things that I do, for being so kind and compassionate and patient with me and my foibles, for loving me even though I can't understand you right now, for being my daughter.

I flash the most grateful smile back at her. 

P.S: At least 95% of the credit for the 'Thank You' that Beckett says belongs to Missus. I could not have asked for a better Mother for my child.        

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