Saturday 4 April 2015


Given that the bump on my wife's tummy has grown sufficiently large, given that it kicks consistently enough, and given that on further inspection through ultrasound it revealed a pair of eyes, ears, nostrils, 2 pairs of limbs, a fully developed spine, I'm inclined to believe that there is an impending child inside her.

Given what we did to each other around 6 months ago (and even before that), and given that during the scans, the thing kept covering its face and telling us 'Go away, let me sleep, get out of my face, I'm a private person, a drama queen, an attention seeker, a tease (just like my dad)', I'm inclined to believe that I'm going to become a father in around three months.

Part of me is blaze & nonchalant, part of me is ecstatic & excited, and part of me is puzzled & terrified, all at the same time (Paradoxes, oxymorons, ironies, and hyperboles will be omnipresent themes on this page; just like my real life).

So now seems like a good idea to start documenting. I believe it will serve the following multiple benefits that I'm listing below:

1. Chronological and factual (albeit littered with the writer's quirks) account of the project to understand the key milestones, timelines, Things gone right, Things gone wrong, resources needed, et al, which will be useful for cross or horizontal deployment.

2. A child starts retaining and recollecting memories between the ages of 2 and 3. Which essentially means that it has no friggin clue what the -9 to 3 phase of its life was like. A reference document would always be useful if it wants to trace its way back to the big bang (Oh did I mention Puns in the recurrent themes?).

3. There will be countless fathers to be / new fathers all around the world right now. It would be great to connect with a few of them and learn and share experiences, if this page manages to reach out to any of them.

4. As an example or a warning      

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