Friday 15 January 2016

And so it begins

Missus went back to work earlier last week. While she was really apprehensive about leaving Beckett and going to work, I knew this is the best thing that has happened to her since Beckett was born. She seriously needed some time off Beckett. I am extremely grateful to M/s Vodafone for the more than generous arrangement that Missus had during and after her pregnancy.

This means that currently yours truly is staying at home and supporting the two grand moms in feeding and cleaning and getting Beckett to fall asleep.

Yours truly thought it would be a great 2 week break, but it is nothing like that. For the first time in about 7 years I've had to work through my break period. So the work part was really badly managed by Yours truly. He should have planned better and delegated enough to ensure that family time +remains family time.

But Beckett has adjusted well to being fed by a spoon, not having Missus around while sleeping, and playing by herself with a new bunch of soft toys and plastic teethers. So I have that going for me.

Beckett is now almost 7 months old. She responds to her name being called out, remembers a few things like her favourite photos and toys (especially the little baby on the packaging of the walker and the local banya magnet that is stuck on the refrigerator), poignantly looks towards the sky to see birds and kites, gets excited when she sees cats, dogs, and kids, and spews out babbles like babababa and papapapa and dadadada at will (although she does not quite understand what they mean).

She effortlessly rolls around to get to the person or the thing that she is trying to get to, sits upright for a few seconds before falling over, is adept at grabbing things and has learnt how to hold a second thing without dropping the first.

Starting Monday, Beckett will be spending her days with her grandmother. Wish all of us luck.    

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