Sunday 6 September 2015

Vaccines, Teachers, and More

I hate vaccination days. Am glad to have a doctor father in law who hates them as well. Since this was supposed to be a vaccination weekend, I decided to do some studying of my own. And I realized that Indian kids have to take a F***ing whole lot of vaccines! It is like taking exams even before school starts.

The good part is that in our infinite wisdom, both FIL and yours truly decided that the vaccines could wait for another month. In fact, it is better to space them apart so that the earlier dose can do its job well.

So it ended up being one of the best weekends Pappa and Beti had together. Took Aarvi and Missus to the park, visited Baa, sang many songs and talked a lot to my 2  1/2 month old, and inadvertently ended up showing Missus that Pappa really is a good father.

Also, with teachers' day being celebrated on the 5th, wanted to acknowledge what Missus (selflessness, fanatic discipline, sacrifice, and ability to bear physical pain) and Aarvi (single minded focus, the art of charming, learning to learn, asking for help) have taught me over the last two and half months. Here's to these two amazing teachers of mine.

Last, but not the least, also experienced first hand how much of a tough time Aarvi is going to have with two hyper competitive parents who have mutually exclusive interests and definitions of actualization. Was playing 'Locha - e - Ulfat' on youtube and singing it out loud to Aarvi when Missus realized the conversion / proselytization that was happening. And to ensure that 'Dance' did not lose out to 'Singing', Missus started busting a few Bharatnatyam moves to the song. So looking back and forth between an animatedly yodeling father wanting her to become a singer and a bombastically move busting mother wanting her to become a dancer, she has not experienced a more confusing incident in her life.     

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